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Prank U Fart Bomb

Prank U Fart Bomb

Regular price $4.50
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Looking to pull off the ultimate prank that leaves everyone in stitches but also kinda holding their noses? Get your hands on these Fart Bomb Stink Packets. Each pack's got 6 of these bad boys just waiting to unleash havoc. Here's the deal: you give one of these packets a good squeeze, toss it, and step back. In just a few, it'll blow up with a stench that'll clear the room faster than you can say "who did it?" Word to the wise - these are some potent packets, so keep the fun outdoors unless you want your clothes or your mom's couch to be the lingering victim of a fart bomb fallout. Perfect for anyone 8 and up looking to stir up some trouble and laughter.
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